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Feature BRIEF

When the Best Offense is a Good Defense


We talked to advocates and funders to better understand how they think about advocacy on the defense. We wanted to understand whether it was a distinct category of work and the degree to which there were useful frameworks and tools for evaluating it.


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Briefs / Reports

We talked to advocates and funders to better understand how they think about advocacy on the defense. We wanted to understand whether it was a distinct category of work and the degree to which there were useful frameworks and tools for evaluating it.

Watch our video about the brief to learn more

Read our blog "4 Recommendations for Evaluators Working on the Defense"


Philanthropic funders often invest in leadership development as a vehicle for driving social change. A common framework for characterizing these investments can help funders share their stories and learn from others.

Briefs / Reports

Evaluators can support leadership development efforts by bringing a critical eye and by applying thoughtful frameworks that are aligned with beliefs about what leadership competencies are important and how they contribute to social change. This guide was prepared to promote shared learning and enhance evaluation practice.

Briefs / Reports

Executive Summary of the Collective Impact Study report by ORS Impact and Spark Policy Institute, who completed a rigorous study to understand when and how collective impact contributes to systems and population change. Looking across 25 initiatives working on different focus areas, the study looks at the contribution and outcomes of collective impact, the design and implementation of the collective impact approach, with a specific deep-dive into equity.
