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Feature BRIEF

When the Best Offense is a Good Defense


We talked to advocates and funders to better understand how they think about advocacy on the defense. We wanted to understand whether it was a distinct category of work and the degree to which there were useful frameworks and tools for evaluating it.


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This worksheet from "When the Best Offense is a Good Defense" helps advocates take periodic stock of short-term policy goals and document progress, including when progress means maintaining a past win or defending against an unanticipated threat. Use this tool at two points in time: 1) when identifying policy-related goals in specific areas for an upcoming legislative session, and 2) when later reflecting and documenting progress on these policy goals, as well as additional, unplanned positive changes and disadvantageous policies that were avoided. This tool is meant to be modified to fit different contexts and serve as a starting point for discussing variations of advocacy work.  

Briefs / Reports

A dedicated policy advocacy function is uncommon among foundations—many engage in policy solely through grantmaking. Colorado Health Foundation (CHF) worked with ORS Impact to describe the evolution of its policy advocacy function and explore the question: What does it take for a foundation to successfully integrate program-focused philanthropy and policy functions to advance its mission? Three polarities surfaced in CHS’s internal policy-focused efforts. This brief explores their manifestation over time, and the signals by which staff recognized and were able to manage polarities to enhance impact.

Briefs / Reports

The Gates Foundation engaged ORS Impact (ORS) to develop a culturally relevant, methodologically rigorous tool to learn more about successful capacity building. The ORS team’s approach brought constituent needs and voice to the forefront throughout the process of tool development as well as its implementation. This brief shares the Gates Foundation’s tool, which can help advocates and foundations understand what constitutes strong advocacy and communications as well as opportunities to build capacity. The tool can also help organizations and foundations understand how advocacy and communications capacity is changing over time.

Briefs / Reports

Narrative change is a complex, long-term and culturally embedded strategy for driving social change, involving many different actors and activities over time. This poses challenges for measuring progress and impact. In this guide, we compiled frameworks, resources, and tools to help users conceptualize and evaluate progress toward narrative change. 

Find our updated version 2.0 of the brief here >
